MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION FORM Thank you for applying for membership to our organisation. We issue four walks programmes annually each containing up to 120 walks of varying distances in town and country. The Membership fee is £7 per person per annum, the minimum age being 18 years.
To: Membership Secretary Environment Bromley 6 Springbourne Court The Avenue Beckenham Kent BR3 5ED
I/We wish to be a member of EnBro.
I/We enclose the Annual Subscription £ ……………….
Donations are always welcomed £ ……………….
Please make your cheque payable to ENBRO.
Mr/Mrs/Ms/Miss ………….. First Name ………………………………..
Surname ………………………………
Phone No. …………………………………..
Address …………………………………………………………………..
………………………………………………………………….. Post code ……………………………
Signed ………………………………………… Date ……………………
Data Protection Act
Members' details will be processed fairly and lawfully and in accordance with EnBro's legitimate activities. Names, addresses and telephone numbers of members are held manually and on a computer for the sole purpose of communicating with members about the activities of the Organisation. Details will not be divulged to any third party.